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Have you ever been in this positon?

With any of these doubts and pains?

From time to time you feel like setting aside some time to "plan". Though, for some magical reason you`re never able to. Your phone won`t stop ringing, your IM keeps poping new messages and your inbox...oh...the inbox! If all that wasn`t enough, when you think about Strategic Planning you think about not working for a day creating plans no one will ever use.

Your company`s liabilities are starting to become too heavy to carry, and you feel like your work is being undone by debt. You know something needs to be done, but you are not sure what.

You ask yourself if the Capital Structure of your company is the most efficient to finance its operations.

Someone offers you a deal with a 12% IRR, you feel like it`s a good deal, but you`re not sure because you don`t know your Cost of Capital.


Your accountant sends you your companys taxes, but you never dug deep to find out if the taxes you`re paying are exactly the ones you should be paying.

You`d like to explore different market niches, but you`re not sure how.

Your company has been successful and growing, but you`re not sure if your team is ready to reach your objectives.

You would like to raise the management quality bar in your company, but you want to do that without disrupting your business.

Your company`s projects refuse to comply to budget constraints and deadlines.

You started your business with a few partners and it was all ok, until it was not anymore. Suddenly you find yourself in the middle of a corporate dispute, and you want to get out of it alive!


You have already dealt with the situation above and is about to start a new business. You want to do everything in your power to avoid that from happening again.

We can


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